I will not be posting next week, because I am going to ITALY tomorrow!!! Nick's sister, Allison, has been studying abroad all semester (so jealous...I know). The whole Miles' family is taking a trip. Granted I had no idea I would be pregnant before I had left for Italy...which means NO WINE (EXCEPT FOR A FEW SIPS)!!!! This whole drinking thing has surprisingly been very easy for me, but this is going to be a little more difficult especially since WINE IS MY FAVORITE ALCOHOLIC DRINK EVER!!!!! I am planning on gaining a few more pounds from all the good food.
In only 3 short weeks from today, we will find out if we are having a boy or a girl! I can't believe we will find out so fast! Before you ask, people ask me all the time what do I want. I want a HEALTHY, HAPPY BABY!!!