Wow, it has been a long time since I blogged! I am still
recouperating from Whitney's BEAUTIFUL wedding. I still can't get over that Tiff made ALL OF THE FLOWER ARRANGEMENTS AND BOUQUETS!!! They were absolutely beautiful! I was over at Whit's house "observing and directing" her talent. Here is an example of what one of the bouquets looked like:

Tiff made every bouquet and all of the flower arrangements! Kudos to her!
Last weekend was just such a special weekend, not only was one of my best friends getting married, but it was one of the first time all the girls were at the same place (maybe since my wedding...back in March of 2008). I had never been to Mount
Cheahaw, but God was looking down on Whit that day to keep it looking beautiful...not a cloud in the sky. My girlfriends flew from Richmond, drove from Tampa, Atlanta, Nashville, etc. to see Whitney and Shane get married! We are truly blessed to have this close knit group of friends!!! I'm still waiting on them to send some pics but I had to show you the picture of baby Gates. It was our first time to meet him, and let me say...Michelle and Chris are naturals! In this picture you will see
Gates's crazy hair and his little mittens (so he won't scratch his face):
Every time I was holding him my mom would say "You look like a natural"...does that mean a hint?
This wedding was small with close friends and family, and Whitney looked absolutely beautiful!